When you’re little, a lot of times you don’t know you’re being abused. What happens is the children grow up…I remember being 24-25 yrs. old before I realized I grew up in a really abusive home.- Vianna Stibal,(founder of ThetaHealing® Technique, July ’11 webcast)
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Healing works through a kind of detox: things have got to come up in order to be released….We can’t just push the darkness down, pour pink paint over it and then pretend it’s not there. We have to look at it, accept that it exists, and then release it for healing. - Marianne Williamson -
It feels good to be accepted, loved, and approved of by others, but often the membership fee to belong to that club is far too high of a price to pay. - Dennis Merritt Jones
Quote for reflection: Working with the skills to move out of reactivity, out of the Drama Triangle, is supporting a new level of human consciousness. - Judy Dragon
Quote for reflection: Anger is a necessary stage in the healing process….The more you truly feel it, the more it will begin to dissipate and the more you will heal. ~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Quote for reflection: “Once a person can identify that in responding they actually have a choice in the matter, they will start to realize that they are able to make better decisions. The key is that pause.” ~ J. Loeks
Quote for Reflection: Trauma compromises our ability to engage with others by replacing patterns of connection with patterns of protection. ~ Stephen Porges
Quote for Reflection: “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.” ~ Phaedrus