Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 5:
An Orientation of Normalcy ...Pedophilia??
Spiritual Conversations in Trauma Healing discusses another controversial subject. "An Orientation of Normalcy...Pedophilia??"
Debbie Zeits and Judy Dragon dive into the meaning of what ‘normal’ is, behaviors that have been identified as normal in some societies that are sexually harmful to children, ancient historical awareness, and what are NOMAPS vs predatory pedophiles. They also discuss how parental rights are abused in protecting their children, and how the educational, political and legal system have allowed abusive pedophilic behaviors to become ‘normalized’. They are aware that the tides are turning to protect the children, yet they felt it important to share perspectives to understand how the children can and have be affected and what direction humanity wants to shift in their thinking and in behaviors.
Creator’s Teachings (concepts not understood emotionally, psychologically and somatically) are given to help center back to oneself. Enjoy
Season 5, Episode 1’s topic is “Victim Blaming Awareness” with your hosts Judy Dragon, Debbie Zeits and Melissa Martin.
They discuss the different ways a person who has been victimized may respond both somatically and emotionally. The conversation also broaches on the angle of why the perpetrator uses certain tactics to keep the other silent or victimized. Victimization of both men and women are extrapolated on along with how the legal system has kept situations in blaming the person victimized. Stories are shared.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 2:
Are Children Sensual or Sexual Beings?
Our Spiritual Conversation in Trauma Healing, Season 5, Episode 2, brings a bit of controversy to the show. “Are Children Sensual or Sexual Beings?”
Opens a door to explore the true nature of children different than a more recent agenda of sexualizing them. Melissa Martin, Debbie Zeits, and Judy Dragon give background and an honest conversation about this topic and the agenda, define what it is for children in being sensual different than sexual, examples, personal stories and give Creator’s teachings (concepts or affirmations that you may not know). Enjoy!
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 3:
Compassion for Sex Offenders & Traffickers?
This very multiplex podcast, ‘Compassion for Sex Offenders and Traffickers?’ through Spiritual Conversations in Trauma Healing, with ThetaHealing Technique.
We enter into some difficult territory to go along with current events. We discuss different angles of spiritual principles and healing in understanding sex offenders and child rape traffickers, the victim to perpetrator cycles, acknowledging the feelings of revenge and other heavy emotions, how power rather than force is defined through hierarchy, Karma, Divine Justice, and understanding where compassion (and forgiveness) could be experienced in the levels of healing from extreme trauma and abuse.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 4:
Compassion For Sex Traffickers? [Continued]
ThetaHealers Debbie Zeits, Melissa Martin and Judy Dragon continue with last month’s theme of ‘Compassion for Sex Offenders and Traffickers?’.
This episode tranverses into self-examining questions about compassion and offenders, how those victimized often see God/Creator as the perpetrator and why, examining choices in the moment for those who have perpetrated, how perpetrators can create their own demise, navigating the spiritual principles, forgiveness, redemption, how society wants to deal with perpetrators, and how to move humanity forward into a new consciousness without violence.
This conversation will sure to spark your own thoughts and feelings. Melissa and Judy end with Creator’s Teachings (concepts not understood emotionally, psychologically and somatically) to help integrate this multiplex topic.
In this podcast episode, Judy and Debbie dive into the different types of memories and explain that not all memories are cognitive and available for instant recall.
Find out why and how parts of the brain function in creating and storing traumatic memories. Creator’s teachings are included to help with integration of this topic.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 2: Memory Readiness or Bypassing
When it comes to dealing with repressed memories, what comes up to stop us? What kind of resistance occurs? How do we know we are ready to face what really happened? Debbie and Judy discuss what makes it difficult to be willing to journey into the unconscious memory material. We discuss some of our process in how we have handled these situations. It’s never easy to feel the full scope of memory processing.
For more context, please listen to S4E1 Types of Memories if you haven't already to get more details and context on repressed memories and why they occur.
Judy and Debbie discuss Survivor's Guilt giving a general definition and example and go into a more detailed discussion specific to childhood trauma. In the discussion, questions the survivor may ask and other potential responses of survivor’s guilt are explored. Becoming aware of potential blame, shame, or guilt can lead to understanding some deeper lessons and healing.
Creator downloads are explained and a few around Survivor's Guilt are left at the 7th plane.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 4: Characteristics In Evaluation Friendships
As the holidays move through this month, Judy and Debbie discuss healthy friendships different from unhealthy ones due to childhood abuse patterns.
They ask questions to assess the kinds of friendships we have, the development and levels while sharing some personal stories. Creator’s Teachings are included.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 5: Characteristics and Evaluating Romantic Relationships
As the New Year rolls in, Judy and Debbie discuss healthy romantic relationships different from unhealthy ones due to childhood abuse patterns. They ask questions to assess the kinds of romantic relationships with another we have, the development and levels while sharing some personal stories. Creator’s Teachings are included.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 6: Body Memories Or What Else?
Debbie and Judy were sent an excellent question to feel and delve into for this episode. ‘How do we know if symptoms or conditions we are experiencing in our body are signs of repressed memories from abuse or an actual physical or emotional condition?” They delve into this from different angles and a few rabbit holes. Ultimately, there were some simple understandings. Enjoy!.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 7: Extreme Abuse Creates Complex Trauma
With all that is being exposed in the world, Debbie and Judy do an overview of different kinds of extreme abuse, such as trafficking, Satanic ritual abuse and underground tunnels, which creates complex trauma from the effects.
They wanted to open the conversation to bring these horrific situations into the light so healing practitioners as well as Thetahealers can grasp the severity of what has been occurring for thousands of years.
We are in exciting times to bring this out of the darkness for acknowledgment.
We do the Thetahealing meditation and healing for the planet after.
Debbie and Judy are joined by trauma and spiritual healer, Beth Rachel, to discuss the different understanding around a newer trending word to explain psychological 'disorderings' of the brain called neurodivergence.
We discuss three factors of how neurodivergence is experienced and how it’s important to go deeper to find the root cause of the presenting symptoms. Beth included a beautiful light language experience and message for all to support their nervous system and for this time on the planet.
Beth can be contacted at bethhealing@gmail.com.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 9:
Intuitive Trigger Awareness Part 1
May’s Spiritual Conversations in Trauma Healing welcomes back Melissa Martin joining Debbie and Judy to discuss Intuitive Trigger Awareness. This is Part 1 of a three-part series that also angles in on how people can recognize the presentations and patterns through triggers that are expressed or felt. Some Creator’s teachings are given (spiritual/psychological concepts) to support the discussion. Enjoy!
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 10:
Intuitive Trigger Awareness Part 2
June’s Spiritual Conversations in Trauma Healing brings together Judy, Debbie and Melissa in the Part 2 of this series on Intuitive Trigger Awareness. The three converse on triggers, the importance of them, how they can come from different connections whether in-person social interaction or through events in the world where people may have acquiesced to rules or authority figures. This lively discussion will end with a solstice meditation. Enjoy!
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 11:
Intuitive Trigger Awareness Part 3
July’s Spiritual Conversations in Trauma Healing brings the three part series on Intuitive Trigger Awareness to its finale. In being able to now start to recognize and identify presentations, triggers and patterns from the information from the past episodes, Judy, Debbie and Melissa discuss what can be done about the triggers--how to calm the reaction and process the emotions and/or memories for relief and renewal. Judy shares an exercise from her new Moving Beyond Revised to help regulate the Dorsal Vagel nerve. Enjoy!
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 1: Recognizing Collective Trauma To Create New Visions
Judy and Debbie discuss what collective trauma is, why it’s important to understand, the causes, who is affected and the effects, how we can heal from it, and their personal visions in how the world can shift.
Please join us for a lively conversation with Creator’s teachings to support your healing.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 2: Responding To Those Revealing
Many are starting to reveal their childhood abuse stories more publicly. This could be from sharing with a friend, at a workshop, or on a public forum. There is a lack of informed and caring trauma educated responses.
In Spiritual Conversations for Trauma Healing Podcast S3E2, Judy and Debbie discuss why people may choose or not to reveal their trauma, the often erroneous assumptions, opinions and/or projections, the responses that support presence and healing, and ending with some Creator's teachings.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 3: The Stages Of Healing Childhood Abuse
Melissa Martin joins Debbie and Judy in discussing the stages of remembering one’s memories which is a grieving and healing process. As a brief summary, we listed one model of the 7 stages of grieving. Grieving and healing is not a linear process.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 4: How Trauma Affects Manifesting
We know that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality, but how does trauma affect us in this realm, and what can be done?
Melisa, Debbie and Judy discuss some of the virtues and blocks that affect manifesting instantly through the 7th Plane/Unconditional Love. There is also a guided and relaxing manifestation meditation.
Judy and Debbie discuss what collective trauma is, why it’s important to understand, the causes, who is affected and the effects, how we can heal from it, and their personal visions in how the world can shift.
Please join us for a lively conversation with Creator’s teachings to support your healing.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 6: Karma Misconceptions Around Abuse
The Law of Karma is often used to blame those who survived abuse and its traumatic effects. Judy and Debbie discuss what Karma really is, talk through the misconceptions and end with a meditation of Unconditional Love.
This Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing podcast is titled "Cults From Culture". The term "cult" actually comes from Latin meaning :care: or "adoration." It's part of the word cult/ure.
While we don't script our conversations, we typically have a general idea of major discussion points we want to include. This conversation took us to some very different angles that were unexpected, but we let it free flow.
From the origin of the world "cult" to the tenets of cults, from recruitment to totalist/destructive cults and organizations, we traversed a spectrum of what has been similarly reflected in the last few years. The spiritual awareness is brought together with Unconditional love frequency available to you. Enjoy!
Derealization and Depersonalization along with Marginal Body Consciousness can occur from trauma from accidents, environmental devastations like floods or earthquakes or a shocking overload of information that was unknown. They can also occur from childhood abuse. Debbie queries Judy to explore more about these adaptations to trauma.
Due to Judy's background in witnessing clients and experiencing these herself in the past, this opens a lively discussions. We share some Creator's teachings at the end.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 9: Fears And Beliefs For Disclosure Preparation
Judy and Debbie discuss what collective trauma is, why it’s important to understand, the causes, who is affected and the effects, how we can heal from it, and their personal visions in how the world can shift.
Please join us for a lively conversation with Creator’s teachings to support your healing.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 1: Divisional Conversations That Show Trauma Responses
Debbie and Judy discuss through personal stories and the embedded patterns, how children are raised where the parents haven't learned to communicate in ways to help build the needed skills to guide them. Then, we see how it shows up in adults and in the world in the ways the adults are disconnected and divisional communication instead of interconnective.
The "Triggers in Trauma" podcast discusses triggers as an opportunity to take a pause, look within and find the origins of our pain or confusion so that we can come back to our core and move forward. To say the least, triggers that come from childhood abuse and its traumatic effects are plentiful, so our willingness to work though them support our inner growth and ability to manifest as co-creators in our life.
Judy and Debbie discuss what disclosure is, how it's different than confrontation, the importance of when to disclose and if it's necessary in order to heal from abuse. Both share their personal positions and experiences.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 4: Parenting Styles And Trauma Awareness
As April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, Debbie and Judy followed the theme in discussing the four parenting styles which are so important to recognize to stop abuse. They share which of the styles develop healthy skills, ones that create trauma responses, how violence becomes part of the styles, some personal stories of their own experiences and awareness in both being mothers and ThetaHealing Practitioners. Enjoy!
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 5: Difficult Attachment Bonding
The springtime had us thinking about connection and relationships. This podcast brings together our new team member and ThetaHealing Instructor, Melissa Martin, to discuss with Debbie and Judy about “Difficult Attachment Bonding’.
We share about what Attachment disordering involves, how it’s connected to trauma bonding, how it affects us particularly as adults in creating or being in relationships, and the trust and safety that needs to be present to recreate secure attachment. We also look at the beliefs that arise from these patterns. Enjoy!
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 6: Difference between Disagreements, Arguments and Conflicts
This is the time of heated energies as we come out of the eclipses with its vast changes, and heading for Summer Solstice. June’s ‘Spiritual Conversations in Trauma Healing’ brings a lively conversation on understanding ways of communicating when there are disagreements. Debbie, Melissa and Judy of The Moving Beyond Trauma Project discuss how disagreements, arguments and conflicts are different and how one can lead to another. They also share some personal stories, what is the possibilities in resolving these issues and some wonderful Creator’s teachings (concepts people don’t understand within) to be received. Join us in how we can use our communication in more balanced ways to stop trauma!
In our first episode, we
(Judy and Leila) bring together how that word God evolved for us through the awareness of the ThetaHealing Technique, our personal experiences from religion to non-dualistic spirituality, and how this Unconditional Love felt as an internalized, somatic connection.
(Hint: we're not talking about a supreme being that rules or punishes.)
We share about trauma and the digging
(inquiry) of beliefs which ultimately transforms through ‘one energy that runs through it all’ and an introduction of the Inner Child work with the ThetaHealing technique. This is our beginning and it all starts with That Word God.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 2: Hope, Heartfulness, Witnessing And Relationships
In episode 2, we roll with the flow of Leila’s story in her being witnessed by her new male friend as she discloses a little about her trauma background. This leads the conversation to the value of witnessing, how it affects us, the development of friendships, what are trust-building skills based off our needs, and the introduction of the Drama Triangle so we understand the dynamics that often happen in relationships. Doing the spur of the moment broadcasted conversations, is both new and fun for both of us.
Another story with Judy opening this time about dating, intrigue, and the lack of trust building skills. We share about what is needed to build trust in relationships, victim trust, comparing outside ourself when trust needs to start within, and how the body needs recognition in the process of healing. There is some vulnerable revealing in this episode.
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 4: How our needs and feelings help us to use self care
Our feelings often get connected as an identity piece. As we remember we are not our feelings, we can use them to navigate and experience life. Some self care techniques are discussed. We share a story of disconnection between us that occurred before the podcast that was brought back into connection by a simple question. This lead to a chain of self care events. Free PDF for you!
Spiritual Conversations on Trauma Healing Episode 5: Working with Creator’s teachings/Downloads to shift trauma
What are Creator’s teachings? How are they experienced? Explaining the use of these psychological and spiritual concepts to know our truths, open possibilities and avoid emotional bypassing. Learning not to judge our feelings (non dualistic allowance) is essential. We do a little question and answer session with the other. Remember that trauma healing is a process as the Creator’s teachings help to recalibrate and integrate experiences within the body. Downloads can be received in this episode or receive your free sheet.
My story is one of extreme darkness and trauma to one of transforming these difficult childhood experiences into a non-dualistic spiritual journey of deep healing and discovery for myself and many others. The first 23 years of my life, I was sexually abused, physically tortured, and trafficked. Those words cover a vast amount of territory which I will only briefly discuss. There is no darkness I’m unaware of. What is and will be appearing on the world stage will shine further Light and Truth on my story.Through over 45 years of study and practice in various esoteric and alternative healing arts, both professionally and through personal transformation, I have assisted many in healing different conditions along with childhood abuse and its traumatic effects. Even at a young age, I knew I wanted to be of service to humanity.
In November ’21, I was part of a podcast series on trauma awareness and healing. Speaking about ThetaHealing Technique and my personal journey in healing the effects of abuse, you will also be lead through the meditation to experience your connection to Creator-of-All and some Creator’s teachings.
S5 Ep. 5: What is Forgiveness, Really?
Do you understand what forgiveness truly is? Do you understand that it is different than the misaligned version of forgetting what was done to you? Do you feel "pushed" to forgive another or a situation prematurely? Do you think you have forgiven only to feel anger and resentment still lurking underneath? Or do you end up feigning what you think is forgiveness to feel that you are adhering to spiritual principles necessary to heal? In explaining some of the spiritual principles of Theta Healing Technique, and in relating some of her personal healing of abuse through forgiveness, my guest, Judy Dragon, shares ways to help free you from the past and reclaim your own experiences and empowerment without attachment to how abusers operate.